Our country has recently swept away by massive floods. Millions of people affected by these floods leaving behind the victims without food and shelter under the open skies of flooded areas. Relief is being sent from the entire world to decrease the problems of the flood affected people, but when we talk about our Christian community it was very alarming and sad to know that our Christian community was facing discrimination in the distribution of the relief aid. Those who were deployed in this process very flatly refuse to give aid to our Christian community by saying that “this aid is not for you it is only for us” and our Christian people leave that place without receiving any aid to help them and their families.
We receive phone calls from pastors and evangelists from the flood affected areas that they are facing such problems. We were very sad to know about this situation and prayed to God that He would enable us to help our Christian community. Some friends helped us and we prepared a food package for these Christian flood victims.
Our food package is for 6 member’s family for 15 days. We included all basic and necessary items needed for life. We packed dry food, dry fruit, some basic crockery, candles, and some warm clothes in our food package for flood victims. We praise God that HE enabled us to help these needy people. We do all of this to give hope to the hopeless, peace to the restless in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately some of the families are all alone in this world without any shelter and hope. Their earning hand was swept away in the flood and they were in terrible conditions, so we have decided to help these families on permanent basis. We helped the widows in their kitchen, their children in education. We need your prayers for these families; you can help these families by praying for them. You can also adopt a family for a month or more or for a full year so they can live an easy life in Christ and can realize that their Christian brothers and sisters around the world care about them.
Contact us for any sort of detail you need to participate in this work. If your heart is melted at the moment and the Holy Spirit is prompting you to decide that you should help these families, you can and your church can send your offerings, gifts, donations for these flood victim families. Click Here to Donate
Death Toll Reaches 800 In Pakistan’s Worst Flood In 80 Years
For money offerings send Via:
Dildar Pervez
House# 581 St. Peter Street,
36 Bethleem Road
Bahar Colony 1 Kotlakhpat
Lahore 54760 Pakistan,
Phone: 0092-300-6263001
Email: dildarpervez@gmail.com
Donate By Check:
If you wish to send your gift by check,
Please make your check payable to Saint Luke Ministries, and mail it to:
Dildar Pervez
House# 581 St. Peter Street,
36 Bethlehem Road
Bahar Colony 1 Kotlakhpat
Lahore 54760 Pakistan,